Monday, September 30, 2019

Specific Crop Mapping Temporal Data Approach Environmental Sciences Essay

To know apart specific harvest of involvement, in this work we have used temporal informations. These temporal informations sets were pre-processed with regard to geo-registration, set ratio and eventually fuzzy based categorization attack was applied. For accuracy appraisal fuzzy based mistake matrix was applied and soft mention informations was generated utilizing IRS-P6, LISS-III temporal informations sets. It has been tried to accomplish defined aim of this research undertaking and elaborate methodological analysis has been explained further.Study AreaThe present survey is undertaken to research the feasibleness of using AWIFS ( IRS-P6 ) and LISS-III ( IRS-P6 ) information for function and proving individual category ( Wheat ) of involvement. The trial location was selected in parts supplying a scope of disputing environments for specific harvest monitoring. india The country is situated in the southern portion of the Uttarakhand province between 29 ° 11 ‘ 21.99 † N to 29  ° 42 ‘ 06.73 † N and 78  ° 38'18.30 † Tocopherol to 79  ° 10 ‘ 191.05 † E. The country is located in Terai part and is a portion of Kumaon Division. The survey country is celebrated for its agribusiness and irrigation on synchronized forms from the past as granary of popularity for its productiveness in paddy harvests in the whole Uttarakhand province. Khariff and Rabi are two major cropping seasons. The chief Khariff harvests are rice, soyabean, Urd, and Moong and the Rabi harvests are wheat, barley, Gram, Masoor, Mustard, and Sunflower. uttranchal pantnagarPre-processing of the Data( Geometric Correction of ( IRS-P6 ) LISS-III and AWIFS Data )The mention LISS_III images available were already pre-processed as follows: SOI toposheets were scanned and converted into digital signifier before geo-registration. Images were co-registered with regard to the toposheet maps on 1:50,000 in UTM projection with WGS-84 North ellipsoid of revolution and data point, zone 45 ( Kashipur Area ) Uttarakhand. The images were re-sampled at 20m spacial declaration by utilizing the nearest neighbour re-sampling method ( first order multinomial ) and entire 17 GCPs were collected from the toposheet for the intent of geo-registration. The trial images available for categorization were likewise pre-processed. These AWIFS images of same country were co-registered with regard to the LISS-III dataset in UTM projection similar to LISS-III images. Similarly, the images were re-sampled at 60m spacial declaration by utilizing the nearest neighbour re-sampling method and entire 17 GCPs were collected from the LISS-III images for the intent of geo-registration. The difference between trial image ( AWIFS ) and mention image ( LISS-III ) is 1:3, which implies that, one pel of AWIFS image is equal to nine pels of LISS-III image.Methodology AdoptedIn the present survey the medium spacial declaration AWIFS informations sets are used. In order to accurately map the specific crop-wheat, we use temporal informations sets. Different datasets with changing temporal declaration were taken in order to happen out the most suited time-series ( multi-date ) image set that gives the best truth of categorization. In 2008-2009 Rabi Season- Wheat Growth Period Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr ( image3 ) ( image4 ) ( image2 ) ( image5 ) ( image1 ) Suitable set ratio method Suitable fuzzy based supervised categorization for pull outing individual category of involvement Accuracy appraisal ( Using soft mention informations ) Figure: Methodology adopted The enhanced images were available for our survey. The images are, in general, enhanced by pre-processing like geometric and atmospheric corrections. The images are geo-referenced utilizing land control points and so registered. This work is done utilizing commercially available ERDAS package tool. Training sites for wheat were identified in the digital LISS III and AWIFS image with the aid of land control point inside informations provided and the visually interpreted FCC images. Band ratio techniques were employed to extinguish the consequence of incline and facet and the difference of light. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index ( NDVI ) , MIN/MAX and Transformed Vegetation Index ( TVI ) were taken for all the images from AWIFS and LISS-III. This was done utilizing the SMIC package tool. The fuzzy set theory based sub-pixel categorization technique was used for farther categorization utilizing temporal informations. The samples of wheat were taken from both AWIFS and LISS-III time-series images severally. SMIC package tool at IIRS was used. Sample was taken in the mode that, one image was in the spectator while, other temporal images were arranged as the chink on spectator pick the value of all the images at that peculiar pel ( category ) . The fuzzy based classifier was used for categorization. The categorization was done by Possibilistic c-Means classifier attack. The end product was a individual classified fractional image, from which we analyzed the individual category ( wheat harvest ) . Further, the truth appraisal of all the classified AWIFS fractional images was taken with regard to LISS-III image. FERM ( Fuzzy Error Matrix ) was used for truth appraisal.Concepts EmployedBand Ratio TechniquesThe procedure of spliting the pel values in one spectral set by the corresponding pel values in another spectral set is known as set ratioing. It is merely a simple transmutation process applied to remote feeling images. The form of the spectral coefficient of reflection curves of different land screen / land usage types can be identified by this technique. Second it can cut down the recorded unwanted topographic consequence like incline and facet and extinguish the effects of difference in light. The ratioing technique such as spectral flora index are widely utile and benefits the legion subjects like appraisal of biomass, H2O usage, works wellness, harvest production and works emphasis. Vegetation Indices combine different spectral sets, quantitatively step and measure the f lora screen denseness, sort the harvest and besides help in harvest favoritism. The ratioing techniques used in this survey are as followsMin/MaxIt is one of the easy to calculate set ratio technique. It is obtained by taking the ratio between the minimal set value and maximal set value matching to that pel. Ratio Image = Minimum Value/Maximum ValueNDVIOne of the first successful flora indices based on set ratioing was developed by Rouse et Al. ( 1973 ) . They computed the normalized differences of brightness values from MSS7 and MSS5 for supervising flora. They called it the Normalized Differences Vegetation Index ( NDVI ) Jenson 1996. The NDVI is measured in graduated table of -1 to +1. Snow, H2O organic structures, desert and exposed dirts come in a scope of -0.2 to 0.05. While the increasingly increasing sums of green flora come in the scope of 0.05 to 0.7. NDVI informations are strongly correlated with the fraction of exposure synthetically active radiation ( 0.4 to 0.7 A µ.m. beckon length ) absorbed by flora canopies. The brighter the image pel after categorization, the greater the sum of photosynthesizing flora nowadays. NDVI = ( NIR-R ) / ( NIR+R )TVITVI was introduced by Deering et Al. ( 1975 ) . They added 0.5 to NDVI and took the square root, bring forthing the transformed flora index ( TVI ) . The TVI can be linearly correlated with leaf country index, and has a higher sensitiveness than that of NDVI in high biomass country ( Huete et al. , 2002, Sakamoto et al. , 2005 ) . Since the biomass of harvest Fieldss is low compared with woods, TVI retains one-dimensionality in harvest Fieldss. Furthermore, TVI is more practical than NDVI when humidness is high. ( Sakamoto et al. , 2005 ) TVI = a?s ( NDVI + 0.5 )Image Classification TechniquesFor the readying of thematic maps and quantitative analysis of the images, capableness of computing machine to construe the images, place pels and label them based on their numerical belongingss is exploited. The method is normally referred to as Image Classification. While the images can processed in digital environment it is better known as digital image categorization. A traditional difficult categorization technique does non assist in this type of state of affairs. Fuzzy logic may be good where multiple categories exist within a pel. To integrate the assorted pel job in past research workers have proposed the ‘soft ‘ categorization technique that decomposes the pel into category proportions ; fuzzed categorization is a soft categorization technique, which deals with vagueness, ambiguity and uncertainness in category definition. Therefore fuzzed categorization technique is likely the best technique to pull out the individual category from the image and differentiate with other categories. The construct of ‘fuzzy set ‘ theory was introduced by Zadeh, to cover with the uncertainness in category definition. The fuzzed set theory introduces the vagueness by extinguishing the chip boundaries into grade of rank to non-membership map Binaghi et Al. 1999. It represents the state of affairss where an single pel is non a member for a individual bunch, but member for all bunchs with different grade of belongingness Dutta 2009. In this survey fuzzy logic based algorithm, which is independent of statistical distribution premise of informations, has been studied to pull out individual land screen category from distant feeling multi-spectral images. Fuzzy based classifier in this work has been implemented in such a mode that remote feeling image from any detector can be used for individual category extraction.Temporal Data ApproachAt the 3rd degree of categorization where we map the specific flora, mapping based on categorization utilizing individual day of the month image has been merely reasonably successful. The first job in this survey is to pull out individual harvest of involvement from the harsh declaration orbiter image. There is job when pull outing individual category with individual day of the month image. The image consists of pels. A pixel value ( brightness value ) recorded is consequence of interaction of electromagnetic moving ridges with the land objects and/or atmosphere. In add-on harvests may hold similar spectral response forms holding merely little differences. Hence, the spectral response recorded by detector may differ for same or similar type of categories while it may be possible that the dissimilar entities may demo similar spectral response, depending on land or atmospheric conditions. This introduces mistakes. So it is impossible to accurately pull out the individual harvest utilizing the individual day of the month imagination. To get the better of the above issues, temporal informations attack best for specific harvest function. With the clip series informations the spectral response of the category proportions can be recognized and differentiate from other categories. Therefore individual harvest of involvement has been processed utilizing temporal informations.Accuracy AssessmentAccuracy appraisal and proof for sub-pixel classifiers is still a topic of research. No standard methods are available for sub-pixel classifiers, unlike that for hard-classifiers such as mistake matrix and kappa coefficient. For the proof of the consequence, FERM ( Fuzzy Error Matrix, Binaghi et al. ) with the aid of fuzzed set theory based sub-pixel classifier was used in this survey. The truth appraisal of AWIFS fraction images has been done with regard to LISS-III fraction image. The fuzzed mistake matrix ( FERM ) method has been employed to calculate the truth.Classified ImageAssorted PixelReference ImageFigure: Sub-Pixel Acc uracy Assessment Method ( Comparing coarse declaration image with all right declaration image )Fuzzy Error Matrix ( FERM ) :For the appraisal of soft classified informations assorted suggestion have been made, among which fuzzy mistake matrix introduced by Binaghi et al. , 1999 is one of the most suited attack. FERM takes the fraction soft classified images ( drifting value or non-negative existent figure ) as input alternatively of traditional difficult classified images ( integer value ) . The layout of a fuzzed mistake matrix is similar to that of the traditional mistake matrix that is used for accessing the truth of difficult classifiers. The component of the fuzzed mistake matrix represent category proportions, matching to soft mention informations ( Rn ) and soft classified information ( Cm ) , in categories n and m severally. Fuzzy lower limit operator are used to build the fuzzed mistake matrix and find the matrix elements M ( m, N ) in which the grade of rank in the fuzzed interaction ( Cm a? ©aà ‹â€ ? Rn ) is computed as ( Kumar et al. , 2007 ) M ( m, n ) = |Cm a? ©aˆ?Rn| a?‘xI µX min ( A µCm, A µRn ) Where Ten is the proving sample dataset ; x is a proving sample in X and A µCn and A µRn are the category rank of proving sample tens in Rn and Cm, severally. In our survey, fuzzy based mistake matrix was applied for truth appraisal and soft mention informations was generated utilizing IRS-P6, LISS-III temporal informations sets. Producer, user and overall truths of categorization were computed by this fuzzed mistake matrix ( FERM ) truth assessment method.Consequences and DiscussionSample Output ImagesFollowing are the corresponding subdivisions of end product images from temporal informations set-6.Acquisition Date Input Images: Min/Max Band Ratio Image: Concluding Wheat Function21 Nov 2008 C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reporta.jpg C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportm6_a.jpg 08 Jan 2009 C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Report.jpg C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportm6_b.jpg 27 Jan 2009 C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportc.jpg C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportm6_c.jpg 15 Feb 2009 C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportd.jpg C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportm6_g.jpg C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportm6_final.jpg 25 Feb 2009 C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reporte.jpg C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportm6_e.jpg 11 March 2009 C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportf.jpg C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportm6_f.jpg 31 March 2009 C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportg.jpg C: UsersAmolDesktopImages_ Reportm6_g.jpgCategorization AccuracyTo understand and exemplify the efficiency of the fuzzy set theory based sub-pixel classifier along with assorted sets ratio techniques and temporal informations sets, used in appraisal of specific harvest of involvement, truth appraisal and reappraisal is required. The truths of the fraction images ( proportion of wheat harvest ) generated by sub-pixel classifier of Kashipur country are shown in table 4. Table 4: Accuracy Assessment of wheat harvest function in Kashipur countryVegetation IndexAccuracySet 1( % )Set 2( % )Set 3( % )Set 4( % )Set 5( % )Set 6( % )Set 7( % )Set 8( % )Min/MaxUser 86.50 88.06 86.01 87.15 89.26 89.58 87.83 90.64 Manufacturer 96.30 92.92 95.36 95.00 95.34 96.07 95.62 95.63Over All96.3092.9295.3695.0095.3496.0795.6295.63NDVIUser 92.40 89.68 92.14 92.20 93.24 93.37 91.87 94.13 Manufacturer 94.24 93.56 94.67 95.68 94.99 95.97 95.10 95.69Over All94.2493.5694.6795.6894.9995.9795.1095.69TVIUser 73.83 80.13 76.00 76.46 78.73 79.86 79.06 79.37 Manufacturer 95.23 93.24 94.53 93.66 92.79 96.15 94.66 96.09Over All95.2393.2494.5393.6692.7996.1594.6696.09Graphic RepresentationConsequencesThe Min/Max set ratio technique gives the best truth of wheat harvest categorization in four sets of temporal informations and is followed by TVI flora index which gives maximal truth of wheat harvest function in three sets of temporal informations. The truth of categorization of wheat harvest, obtained by using the Min/Max set ratio technique is highest in set-1 and about near to this maximal value in set-6. The truth of wheat harvest mapping utilizing NDVI flora index is maximal in set-6 and same is true for TVI flora index.DiscussionIn this survey fuzzy set theory based sub-pixel classifier has been undertaken for pull outing the individual harvest type ( wheat ) utilizing multi-spectral orbiter images. Three indices Min/Max, NDVI and TVI were used to supervise, estimation and discriminate wheat other harvest types. Fuzzy set theory based sub-pixel classifier which gives the fraction images was applied to band ratio images. Fuzzy Error Matrix ( FERM ) method was applied for truth appraisal of wheat harvest function and proof of the consequences. Irrespective of the figure of images in each multi-date temporal informations set and irrespective the flora index used, this fuzzy set theory based sub-pixel classifier gives reasonably good overall truth, which is ever supra 92.5 % . It thereby establishes certificates of fuzzed set theory based classifier for mapping specific harvest. Further comparative survey of the effects on truth, of flora index used to supervise and know apart wheat harvest shows that, Min/Max flora index is best suited to supervise and know apart wheat harvest while utilizing temporal informations sets. Min/Max flora index gives best truth in half of the temporal informations sets tested. However it does non demo specific form in giving truth as the temporal informations sets vary. TVI flora index besides gives maximal truth in three sets, but the fluctuations, in the truths is maximal. Though NDVI ratio does non acquire the highest topographic point in the truth of categorization, there is some form seen in the truth of categorization under NDVI flora index. It in general additions from set-2 to set-6 which can be explained mistily as better truth for better temporal declaration. Reappraisal of the truth of categorization, with regard to temporal declaration and the day of the months of the images used, suggest that in general overall truth additions from set2 to set6 as the figure of images used addition. Classification truth is highest for set6. As can be seen from Table3, set6 contains images from seeding to harvest home of the harvest and about at temporal declaration of 20 yearss. There is a dip in the categorization truth in set2. That is likely due to inclusion of image of day of the month 6 Nov. 2008 ( before sowing of the harvest ) . It besides explains the dip in categorization truth for set7.Decisions and RecommendationsMotive was to map individual harvest of involvement utilizing fuzzy based classifier with the aid of time-series multi-spectral satellite images. The temporal information helps in favoritism of harvest ( particularly wheat as tested here ) from other harvests. It has been observed from this work that time-series multi-spectral images used for specific harvest function give good overall truth of categorization. Harmonizing to consequences obtained from this work, Min/Max flora index gives maximal truth of function for wheat harvest. NDVI flora index is besides reasonably good and TVI can besides last the intent. Temporal informations set incorporating multi-date images that equally cover the full harvest life rhythm ( seeding to reaping ) gives the maximal accurate function of the harvest. In instance of wheat, the temporal declaration of 20 yearss gives better truth. However, inclusion of images of day of the months other so cropping season ( those before seeding the harvest and after reaping the harvest ) will cut down the overall truth of categorization.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Electronic medical records Essay

Electronic medical records are believed to be the way of the future. Hospitals and other healthcare settings are increasingly turning to electronic records over traditional paper records. However, many still have not made the leap and continue to use paper instead of electronic. Healthcare practices must weigh the pros and cons before deciding which records management system to use. An electronic health record (EHR) is a representation of all a patients’ data; know as a digital version of a patient’s paper chart. Paper-based records are the most common method of recording patient information for most doctor’s offices and hospitals in the United States. The digital information is usually stored in a database and is accessible from everywhere via a network and EMRs contain mainstream data normally found on a patient’s medical records. It contains all information ranging anywhere from a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results that have been combined and structured in a digital form. It allows for an entire patient history to be viewed without the need to track down the patient’s previous medical record volume and assist in ensuring data is accurate, appropriate and legible. It reduces the chances of data replication, as there is only one modifiable file, which means the file is constantly up to date when viewed at a later date and eliminates the issue of lost forms or paperwork. There have been many issues debating if this is a good system, and pros and cons that go hand in hand. Electronic records have many benefits, including accessibility. They are currently the preferred system because of how easily they make it for doctors to coordinate patient care. Accessing electronic records is a lot easier and faster than waiting to receive paper ones. This can greatly speed up doctor collaborations in patient care and perhaps improve the quality of care that patients receive. There are many companies that sell these systems, so healthcare practices can choose a system with an EMR interface and features that best suit their needs. These interfaces can also be coordinated with billing systems for an extra degree of convenience and functionality. The case for medical records is compelling. They can make healthcare more efficient and less expensive. It can also improve the quality of our healthcare system by making patients medical history more easily accessible to all the people who treat them, being a hospital or doctor. The Government has given 6.5 million in incentives and hospitals and doctors have spent billions more. Some complain that the electronic systems are time consuming and designed more for bureaucrats than physicians. Although the health care industry has been slower than many others to replace paper records with electronic ones, some of the advantages of computerized systems are becoming obvious. EMRs translate into better treatment for patient’s efficiency and speed of diagnosis translates into better health care service for patients. Similar to the previously discussed point, correct and timely information can significantly increase the quality of health care service rendered to patients. EMRs can save lives. Improvements to patient safety are found throughout EHRs. For one, drug-drug and drug-allergy checks help prevent unintended reactions to medications. Secondly, photo-enabled EHRs help identify the patient. Thirdly, but definitely not the last one, barcode medication administration checks for the five rights to ensure the right patient receives the right medication at the right time. Electronic health records provide an avenue for better care coordination between multiple health care providers and the patient. Information can easily be shared between the inpatient, outpatient and ED settings. Furthermore, patients are able to more easily access their information, either by receiving an electronic summary of care record or logging into a patient portal. Electronic health records provide the tools to help physicians and nurses make better care decisions. For example, clinical decision support tools, like making medication recommendations based on diagnosis, and built-in clinical pathways, which help guide a hospital through recommended procedures, help ensure patients receive the best, research-proven care. EMRs give patients control over their health records. Based on the principle that since it’s the patient’s medical record, the patient should control it, decide what should be in it, and who gets access to it there are currently many online EMRs available. In spite of the many perks, electronic health records do come with some drawbacks. One major disadvantage is the significant start-up costs. From the technology, including hardware installations and software upgrades, to staff training, the start-up costs of migrating to electronic medical records are significant, especially for a small medical practice or for a large medical network of remote offices. There is a lot of time and labor involved up-front to migrate paper files to a completely electronic platform. Another would be the lack of quality patient time. When doctors, nurses, and administrative staff are unfamiliar with the technology and how a new system works, they often spend more time on it. Or, they may be uncomfortable using it so it will take them longer to execute a task. All this lost time could be potentially spent servicing patients or tending to other mission critical matters. Since electronic medical records, as an industry, is still in its infancy, we have yet to see a standardization of EMR requirements and utilization across healthcare organizations, insurance companies, pharmacies, etc. The problem is when these disparate systems do not synchronize; it results in errors, duplication of efforts, or a lag in time in service. Security concerns are still an issue. While many might think that migrating to an electronic system would be safer, another one of the disadvantages of electronic medical records is vulnerability those systems inherently create. There is still a real concern that no matter how many firewalls, password encryptions, and other security features added, there will be a hacker who can beat the system and potentially compromise and steal personal information. All these concerns can be addressed by potentially partnering with an outsource company that specializes in electronic medical records as they have the technology and trained staff to handle large volumes of patient information. They have also invested the time and resources into the latest equipment and security measures. The irony is that while EMRs were designed to improve communication and increase time spent with patients, they actually have enabled some doctors to engage less with patients because they have much more information before actually seeing the patient. In addressing these concerns, there is one key way to circumvent these and other disadvantages of electronic medical records. Working with a highly specialized electronic medical records solutions provider will assure that best-of-breed technologies, and the industry and operational expertise, is in place. By outsourcing the entire process, your staffs can also then focus on core business areas and foster the company’s service reputation. An electronic medical records partner also best ensures systems integrate with others in synergistic industries, and that the best and most current security mechanisms are deployed to keep patient information inaccessible to those unauthorized to view.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Corporate reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate reporting - Essay Example Accountants use corporate reports to check on the firm’s activities in line with the management’s transparency and accountability. On the other hand, other external users such as banks use corporate reports to establish the firm’s ability to repay loans. Corporate reports indicate the profitability of a firm on a periodic basis. Corporate reports are through three different sources such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, the respective company and other federal regulators (DiPiazzaJr and Eccles, 1997). Benefits of corporate reporting include provision of reliable information, flexibility and accountability. On the other hand, corporate reporting improves accuracy, diversity, corporate governance, ease of communication, transparency and attainment of company targets. Corporate reporting promotes flexibility through the directors’ ability to break down any key financial changes hence making it less complicated to achieve. The corporate report’s accuracy and validity are through an auditors’ letter. Since auditors also use corporate reporting, this improves transparency as well as attainment of a firm’s objectives. Diversity and ease of communication are through the use of IFRS and IABS requires a company to produce different types of reports including equity statement, cash flow and income statements respectively. Additionally, the ease of comparison and its usefulness to different users makes it an efficient tool for communicating Easy jet’s progr ess (Hooghiemstra, 2000). The primary disadvantages of corporate reporting include excessive information hence making it difficult to analyse the information since the information has not been two different users. On the other hand, there is over emphasis on the primary users (investors) instead of focusing on the real company events, as well as other users. In some instances, the information used may have been prepared using out-dated accounting methods hence useless for the business

Friday, September 27, 2019

Job Fair Brochure and Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Job Fair Brochure and - Research Paper Example People know the company very well and this approach has established credibility and integrity of the company. Over the past few years, especially with the addition of Suptuous Ballroom, the profit margins have improved, sales increased and operating expenses have be reduced from 45% to 40%. Size/Growth – its effect and how management perceives it: Two staff accounts managers work under the company founder Rudy Electrum, each one handling a portfolio of clients. But positive aspect of being of small size is that company is more organic and lenient. The employees know each other very well and trust in each other. Vision/Mission Statement – What it says about the firm, and how management works toward it: There is no vision as such communicated by the management and CEO of the company but still employees have a dream of making Sumptuous Cuisine Cataering, a global catering company. Company has a mission to make the clients believe in them and trust them. Core Competencies: Company has a specific methodology of providing service according to international standards which is transparent, fluid and specialized. Moreover, its employees have high integrity, professionalism and dedication that assists them to mange and exceede client’s expectations. Client preferences, intersts and vision is held primary even if it requires unpopular decisions. Culture: The company has an informal atmosphere and all the employees know each other well. They work like a team and understand each other and work with coordination and collaboration. Due to long lasting relationship of the employees with the company, the employees understand the values and core competencies of the company which help them to perform their responsibilities well. Company has no international affiliation at this moment. The employees are self motivated to help the company to achieve its short term and long term goals. Employs believe the achievement of goals of the company as their reward. Lead ership/Decision Making: Company works under highly centralized decision making but as environment is like a team and family structure, so democracy helps in making some decisions but ultimate power lies with the founding partners Rudy Electrum and Tosca Cabrini. Leadership is very much encouraged in the company but only if you have guts and skills. Talent, skills and proposals of good projects are encouraged. Self motivation is there in the employees but as decision making is centralized, there is very limited empowerment. Recognizing & Rewarding Performance: There are no special rewards and recognitions, but only those of normal course of business. Employees believe themselves to be the incredible parts of the company and are self motivated. Innovation – Management’s perspective & the firm’s goals: Sumptuous Cuisine Catering is planning to open a Sumptuous Ballroom, to enable the company attain its future goals of becoming a â€Å"true one-stop shop† for all-inclusive events by creative competitive edge. Interaction – Marketing, personalization, and customization: Sumptuous Cuisine Catering is a professional organization and it follows the various media strategies for the promotion of its new Sumptuous Ballrom. Company is still new in the locality yet it has developed a strong credibility and integrity. People know the company very well. So marketing happens through word of mouth and transfer of business cards at dinners and in the events. Mostly, we reach our customers through the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reflection paper on the capstone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection paper on the capstone - Essay Example I believe that to catch the attention of an audience, especially a reader, and to make them read into what one has written, it is vital that what is being written is something they can relate to, as well as having written it in a language, concise yet coherent, that they can understand. To achieve the above mentioned, I made use of ordinary day examples of people, both inside the United States of America, and outside it. A clear example of this can be found in the essay where I mention the examples of South Africans; while they may typically be considered to be ‘black’, the fact that their ancestors are Boers, thereby proving the very point which follows. The sources and materials used are those were more appealing, and most relevant to my line of thought and argument. The style of writing and tone adopted in this essay is scholarly and formal, as it is intended to instruct the reader as well as invigorate their thought process. One of my main motives in writing said essay the way I did, was to inform readers of the adverse implications on ordinary human beings of the vices, and to get their thoughts churning to question what they ordinarily overlook about themselves, the society they live in, its practices of discrimination and subsequently racism, which evidently find their roots in the notion of prejudice. This in essence creates a read that is most certainly moving to a reader. It is also along these lines, and for this purpose that the essay has its structural organization. An attempt has been made to mould the writing style of said essay to one that is of academic writing. Throughout the essay, proof of this can be speculated. The essay makes use of clear and effective writing and terminology, and throughout maintains an essence of formality that is necessary to get the message across to the reader. Every point made is not some without some analysis at my part, and an effective attempt has been made to back it up with relevant factual

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

American Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American Government - Essay Example It is better - much better. To start, America is now a place where people can tastefully joke about race. Since many democrats believe that former president Bill Clinton was good for the economy, and a proponent for initiatives that positively impacted lower classes, which of course includes many African-American families, it is joked that he is the first black president. According to DeWayne Wickham's "Clinton, Africa, and True Colors," which was published in USA Today, author Toni Morrison coined the phrase. Wickham doesn't think that Mr. Clinton can be called the first black president, but agrees he is "almost certainly the next best thing" (para. 1). It's not that Morrison's comment did not offend some. It did. The truth is, though, that many African Americans embrace the term, and even laugh about it. It is probably one of the reasons that Mrs. Clinton has some of the momentum she has - people long for the thriving economic times generated by the last Clinton in office. It is impressive, though, that a wh ite president can be looked upon as favorably by black people as Mr. Clinton was, and it is even more impressive that the average African American is not offended by his being called black. Obama has even joined in the jibing. In an Economist article, "Primary Colour," Obama was asked how he feels about the former white president being called black. ... Referring to Clinton a potential brother, a term of endearment from one black man to another, is also funny. There was a time when a black man would have died for merely suggesting that a white man was kin to a black man. Now, it is no more than a punch line. That's progress. With all the fight for equality that women, too, have suffered, it would seem that most women would jump at the chance to elect a female president. That isn't always the case. It says a lot about the country that women, even white women, are supporting Barack Obama. In "Black Women Talk Barack," Amy Alexander writes that the "archetypal 'black woman voter' does not exist" (10). Alexander explains that white women of the baby boomer generation are enthusiastic about Obama. Black women, who are often seen as conflicted about whether to vote their race or gender, may also be leaning more heavily toward Obama. Alexander writes that this phenomenon is even easier to explain. "The mothers of black boys are going to vote for Obama" (10). The truth is, Obama offers hope to African Americans everywhere. Alexander is correct. He is what every mother, whites and blacks, though, wants her son to be. Obama is smart, educated, articulate, and promising to look out for the every day American. With all of the struggles and discrimination that black people have faced, and still do, he is more than just a possible black president. He is a beacon of understanding. Clinton might speak of understanding the plight of black people, or the lower class, but Obama is black people. One of his own family members, according to a television interview, was among the class of people who die from illness, or old age, and can't

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nutrition1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nutrition1 - Essay Example The esophagus is a tube made of strong muscles that connect the mouth and the stomach. The bolus goes down to the stomach through it using peristaltic waves. The esophageal sphincter at its lower end makes the food stay in the stomach (Brown, 2011). In the stomach, the chewed food is stored for a while to allow the body to digest it properly. The food is mixed with the gastric acid that contains hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride. The hydrochloric acid destroys any bacteria that may have been ingested together with the food. Gastrin is the hormone that arouses the G cells to produce the gastric acid. The acid then stimulates the conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin that digests proteins. So as to avoid the corrosion of the stomach, there is a lining of mucus around it. As the food continues being mixed to form a thick liquid called chyme, the enzyme gastric lipase starts the chemical breakdown of fat globules in the food though not completely. The glycoprotein known as intrinsic factor is produced by the parietal cells to help in the absorption of vitamin B12. Food components that are in their simplest form like glucose are absorbed in the stomach. The peristaltic movements of the stomach then push the food down to the small i ntestines. The food is blocked from re-entering the stomach by the pyloric sphincter (Brown, 2011). The small intestines are the lower part of the alimentary canal where most of nutrient absorption takes place. The duodenum makes the initial phase of the small intestines where the acidic chime is made alkaline through the action of bile from the gall bladder; bicarbonates form the Brunner’s glands and the bicarbonates from the pancreas. Bile that is produced by the liver is stored in the gall bladder. The enzyme pancreatic lipase further breaks down the fat molecules called chylomicrons. The pancreatic juice also digests carbohydrates to glucose and proteins to amino acids. The lining of the stomach has many

Monday, September 23, 2019

Describe rehearsal, exercise, and maintenance of business continuity Assignment

Describe rehearsal, exercise, and maintenance of business continuity - Assignment Example Unique case studies where DR and BC have flourished and become beneficial include the Electric Company, bank, and automotive case studies (Disasterrecovery.Org, n.d.). The situation of the electric company involved instability in the WAN connection that was probably because of an unpredictable ISP service. In response, the company used an alternative FatPipe WARP before getting a larger replacement for the ISP carrier. This was a brilliant idea in the sense that the business continued to operate with a weaker internet connection before the company enhanced its internet strength. The beneficiaries of this plan included the customers and the organization itself. Concerning the European bank, a similar problem was evident when it experienced redundancy in North American VPN. The bank put concerted efforts to rectify the mistake by installing new MPVPN. Surprisingly, the problem was solved and the customers benefited from the disaster recovery in the sense that the bank improved the efficiency of its services (Disasterrecovery.Org, n.d.). Although the two scenarios were unique and unrelated, it is notable that the approach to risk management was very different for both cases. The Electric Company was more credible and practical in its approach in that it acted on mitigation as well as maintenance measures. It means that the European bank has a rather unfortunate disaster recovery approach because customers must have suffered inconveniences at the time of replacements. Consequently, the Electric Company delivered more benefits to its customers because of a proper Business Continuity Plan. On the other hand, the European bank did not have a well-planned recovery procedure (Disasterrecovery.Org,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Feasibility Study for Salfordias Entry to Chinese Construction Market Essay

Feasibility Study for Salfordias Entry to Chinese Construction Market - Essay Example 1. briefing paper (citing, and referencing, relevant sources, theories and methods) providing information on the Chinese construction market, and containing information on critical organisational and cultural issues. Chinese Work and Business Culture Considering that Salfordia is UK-based, it is one seen as â€Å"Western† while China is â€Å"Eastern†. Opening a branch in in another United Kingdom territory would be much simpler for Salfordia as differences in work and business practices may be minimal. In an attempt to penetrate the â€Å"eastern† market, exporting wholesale the â€Å"resistant† and traditional work culture of Salfordia would be difficult in a culture much different from it like China. A study of the culture of the target location is important to prepare Salfordia for a smoother transition as well as a successful venture. Tradition and Family Values Culture is defined as â€Å"an embodiment of traditions as well as a repository of values and normative assumptions developed among members in a group, collectively and society,† (Chao, 2001, 583). It includes the daily practices of managers and employees at the work place and business environment based on their beliefs and values inculcated on them by their own society. Hofstede (1980) presented four dimensions of culture as power distance, individualism against collectivism, masculinity against femininity, and uncertainty avoidance. This has been seen in the IBM global work culture in 53 national subsidiaries. Long-tern against short-term dimension was included as fifth. Chinese culture was seen to be distinct from US and UK culture in power distance, individual vs collectivism, and long/short term orientation (Hofstede, 1980). Chinese culture is considered as one of the... The research defines the culture as â€Å"an embodiment of traditions as well as a repository of values and normative assumptions developed among members in a group, collectively and society†. It includes the daily practices of managers and employees at the work place and business environment based on their beliefs and values inculcated on them by their own society. Hofstede presented four dimensions of culture as power distance, individualism against collectivism, masculinity against femininity, and uncertainty avoidance. This has been seen in the IBM global work culture in 53 national subsidiaries. Long-tern against short-term dimension was included as fifth. Chinese culture was seen to be distinct from US and UK culture in power distance, individual vs collectivism, and long/short term orientation. Chinese culture is considered as one of the most resilient in the world. One of the more widely known characteristic of Chinese culture is its Confucian values and teachings whic h are also as carried outside national boundaries. This Confucian trait is seen as shared amongst other Asians to merit academic attention. The Chinese heritage embodies imperative trust and respect which Chao proposed to make the work organisation tenable and efficacious. Trust and productivity are partners in the work process with the willingness as a sacrifice to future compensation. Trust, however, has also its unique meaning in this context as described by Chao as engendering an altruistic tendency as collectivist commitment, non-specific and entails implicit or diffused obligations embedded in the notion â€Å"subtlety†.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Scott Electronics plcs Essay Example for Free

Scott Electronics plcs Essay To what extent do you think that Scott Electronics plc’s current human resources strategy is effective? (18) Human resource strategy is how a business sees its employees from different business point of view and they are seen as resources to complete the business objectives. Firstly the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is very effective because the firm’s labour productivity is very high with 105 compared to the industry average which is 100. This is very effective as it shows the level of recruitment and the staff the business is recruiting is doing very well which has a positive effect in the recruitment section therefore this will make the company recruit more staff which will increase the productivity of the business. Also the bonuses which is 40% and its 20% higher than the industry average, this shows that the bonuses are keeping the firms employees motivated and it drives them to work harder which mean there will be a increase in productivity and if productivity increases it will have a positive effect on the sales revenue as the company will sell more items which will increase the sales revue and profit. Also another reason why the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is very effective because it has a very unique centralised organisational structure. A centralised structure is where the entire decision making is done from the top of the hierarchy. This is an effective strategy because the entire decision making can be done from the main person who is in charge and it can be done very quickly without going through any difficulties. This is very effective because staff can work through the business objective rather than stressing on the extra responsibility they have on their shoulders which will make them stress free and become more productive. Also they can be told what to do and the managers will have control over their workforce so that employees are less likely to make mistakes or make wrong decisions which will make a negative impact the on the businesses performance. However the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is not that effective because high numbers of employees are on temporary contract which is 75% compared to the industry average which is 25%. This is bad for the business because it will make employees feel that the job security is not there and they are not guaranteed the job which the business can tell the employees that they are not in need and the employees will go away, therefore this might result in the employees not very motivated to do well and they might not think as if they are involved with the business. Also employees on temporary contract are more likely to leave the business as the labour turnover rate is at 10% which is higher than the industry average which is 6%. This is human resource strategy is ineffective because it lead to employees leaving the business every year and the business is losing experienced and valuable staff. Also another reason the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is not that effective because the training budget is below the industry average as Scott electronics training cost is ? 500 compared to the industries average which is ? 1000. This shows that the staff are not that well trained and most of the staff don’t know what they are doing sometimes or they might not know how the company operates as high level of training was not provided. This lead to the amount of defect products increased as the staffs were not well trained and they kept making mistakes therefore the numbers of defects products increased. This is one of my strongest reasons because staffs need to be well trained before they can start the job as they will know what they are doing and how they are going to carry out each task according the company structures of dealing with things. Therefore the staff need to be well trained and the business needs to increase its amount on training the staff which will allow the business to have staff that know what they are doing and make less mistakes as this will cause the staff to make less defect products. In conclusion I think that the human resources strategy is very effect to the business because average span of control for Scott’s electronic is 5 and industry average is 8. This has a greater advantage to the specific business because it will allow the business mangers to control their staff and monitor the progress which the manager can set targets and the targets can be analysed to see if they have reached the targets this will increase the productivity of the business as targets are reached and mangers have better control over their staff and the business. However I think that the current human resource strategy is not that effective to the business because the firm’s defected products are 10% and the industry average is 5% which is doubled the amount. Therefore you can tell that the strategy is not that effective as the staffs are making a lot of mistakes which will cost the business as the raw materials cost money to buy. Also this indicates that strategy is failing as staff are not well trained or may not experienced enough to work in the field which the bale goes the firms recruitment policy as the firm could have employed experienced staff which could have reduced the level of defected products.

Friday, September 20, 2019

History and Comparison of American Musicals

History and Comparison of American Musicals Utopia is an ideal world state where everything which happens is perfect and there are no negative emotions like sadness, anger or jealousy to exist in it. The world is perfect and has every situation resolved in the most enjoyable manner possible. Consciously, or unconsciously, the human mind strives towards perfection to create an ideal world- a utopia for itself. But, in real life, this is not possible and this leads to a multitude of emotions like sadness, disappointment, anger, etc. which is the opposite of what a person in utopia should feel like. To bring back this sense of utopia even temporarily, humans started projecting the carefully constructed ideal world through entertainment such as theatre, films, musicals etc. In this essay, I will compare the films Singing in the Rain by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen and Meet Me in St. Louis by Vincette Minnelli as examples of classic American musicals against Moulin Rouge and Romeo + Juliet by Baz Luhrmann as examples of contemporary American musicals on the basis of whether they satisfy the idea of musicals being a form of escape into utopianism. First, I will use Rick Altmans The American Film Musical, which has laid out quite a few criteria for a standard American musical to analyse these films and ensure they satisfy those criteria. Also, I will focus on Utopianism by using Richard Dyer, in Only Entertainment. Two of the taken-for-granted descriptions of entertainment, as escape and as wish-fulfilment, point to its central thrust, namely utopianism. (Dyer, Chapter 3, Pg. 18) By using entertainment, humans are able to escape to the realm of utopia but this realm is not produced by using models of utopian worlds, rather it is brought forth with feelings and emotions. Dyer claims that, It thus works at the level of sensibility, by which I mean an affective code that is characteristic of, and largely specific to, a given mode of cultural production. This code uses both representational and non-representational signs. (Dyer, Chapter 3, Pg. 18) Using Dyers words, I will also try to analyse the representational and non-representational signs of the films mentioned before. Meet me in St. Louis is an American musical which was released in 1944 with a fairly simple storyline which focusses on an upper middle class family with their four daughters and a son. It is based in St. Louis, Missouri in the year leading up to the 1904 Worlds Fair and goes through the struggles this family faces and how they overcome them together. The American film musical is known to have a dual focus narrative. As Altman says, in The American Film Musical, Instead of focussing all its interest on a single central character, following the trajectory of her progress, the American film musical has a dual focus, built around parallel stars of opposite sex and radically divergent values. This dual-focus structure requires the viewer to be sensitive not so much to chronology and progression- for the outcome of the male/female match is entirely conventional and thus quite predictable- but to simultaneity and comparison. (Altman, Chapter II, Pg. 19) Altman also says, Whereas the traditional approach to narrative assumes that structure grows out of plot, the dual-focus structure of the American film musical derives from character (Altman, Chapter II, Pg. 21) In Meet Me in St. Louis, there is a dual focus narrative. The plot revolves around the entire family, focussing mostly on Esther and her relationship and the news of the familys sudden move to New York. By subjecting these narratives to simultaneity and comparison, we can see that they are interdependent as the narrative of the family moving away threatens the newly found relationships of Esther and her other family members- Esther and John, Rose and Warren, the parents with their kids. Also, this is putting Esthers love for her family and her boyfriend against each other. As for structure deriving from character, the film is structured in a way that the character Esther and her conquest for her love occupies the first part of the film and this is followed up by the sudden announcement of her familys move to New York by her father. This is done to ensure the entertainment factor is still present by creating mild tension, as the primary goal is achieved and the viewers shouldnt lose i nterest. Singing in the Rain also adheres to the principle of dual narrative as there are different narratives or paths for both the male and female protagonists. The film portrays the struggle of American film studios and their transition from the silent films to the talkies. The male protagonist, Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly), is a silent film actor with humble origins, who tries to survive and retain his place in the film industry during the transition. The female protagonist, Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds), is an aspiring stage actress who is used by Lina Lamont to be her voice backstage but she finally is given credit and her career flourishes. There are other side narratives which tie into the main narratives, the most noticeable one being the narrative of Lina Lamont, which serves the same purpose as the narrative of the family moving away to New York in Meet Me in St. Louis- to present a problem which when solved, strengthens the existing narratives, or give a neat conclusion to the narra tives. These two main narratives are intertwined simultaneously and highlights the contradictions between the already famous artist and the newly flourishing artist (Don Lockwood and Kathy Selden), fame and infamy (Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont), hate turned to love (in the case of Kathy Selden), etc. These contradictions are resolved by the main characters falling in love and this resolves or gives these characters the strength to resolve their conflicts. The structure is definitely derived from character, especially from Don Lockwood, whose narrative overshadows Kathy Seldens narrative. All the musical numbers focus on Lockwood and his emotions, or makes him the reason for the initiation of the song- as in the case of Cosmo Browns Make Em Laugh or the final musical number dubbed by Kathy Selden for Lina Lamont. Moulin Rouge! and Romeo + Juliet are both musicals directed by Baz Luhrmann and released in 2001 and 1996 respectively. they are both contemporary musicals and they follow the dual narrative path, focussing on the male and female protagonists and their narratives highlight the differences in their character such as freedom and confinement, love and money as in the case of Moulin Rouge! and love and hate, life and death as in the case of Romeo + Juliet. As for the structure of these two musicals- Moulin Rouge! focusses on Christians character as the musical starts and ends with him and he is the narrator of the events which unfold. Satines narrative is interwoven with Christians and her narrative is actually the cause for the beginning of Christians narrative, thereby forming a never-ending loop. In the case of Romeo + Juliet, it is a loose adaptation on the play by Shakespeare, using dialogues from the play itself. The narrative is driven by Romeos character but it is balanced out by Juliets narrative as well. All these four films can be classified as American film musicals albeit there are differences in the way utopia is portrayed by these films. The films Singing in the Rain and Meet Me in St. Louis bring about a utopia in terms of setting (representational) and feelings (non-representational) using various factors- one of them being the musical numbers. In Singing in the Rain, the world it has created is realistic as the film is based around the world of film and situated in the age of transition from silent films to talkies. The utopian element is brought forth by the numbers which provide another realm where the characters can be themselves and express their feelings without any complications. Dyer says, utopia is implicit in the world of the narrative and as well as in the world of numbers (Dyer, 1992). When a character breaks into song, as in the scene where Don Lockwood confesses his love to Kathy Selden (You were meant for me). Dyer says, We are moved by music, yet it has the least obvious reference to reality- the intensity of our response to it can only be accounted for by the way music, abstract, formal though it is, still embodies feeling. (Dyer, 1992). The confession scene is carefully constructed by Lockwood and narrated by him, which does make it seem realistic, unlike the other musical numbers, and this adds on to the intensity of feelings the song gives the audience. Intensity, according to Dyer, is the capacity of entertainment to present either complex or unpleasant feelings (e.g. involvement in personal or political events; jealousy, loss of love, defeat) in a way that makes them seem uncomplicated, direct and vivid, not qualified or ambiguous as day-to-day life makes them, and without imitations of self-deception and pretence. (Dyer, 1992) The orchestral non-diegetic music also adds on to the intensity as the two characters dance, with Lockwood encouraging Selden to dance with him and finally through the music, dance and lyrics, their mutual feelings for each other gets conveyed to each other. As the camera pans out at the end of the number, the utopian backdrop and the airy lights are accentuated, adding the final touches to the realistic utopia created by this number. Another scene charged with such feelings is Don Lockwoods Singing in the Rain, the title song. The realistic setting is done through the diegetic rain accompanying the entire song. The orchestral parts sometimes drown out the rains pitter-patter but it is still ever present in the background. The lively music and the dance of Lockwood transcends through to the audience and they are able to feel his emotions through this number. This utopian number comes to an end with the interruption of the police officer where Lockwood is brought back to the reality of his world. Meet Me in St. Louis also treats its musical numbers in a similar manner as escapes to utopia. But the setting is different, it is much less realistic than Singing in the Rain. It showcases a community where singing is common practice where everyone loves to sing or break into a musical number, which already makes it feel much more utopian than the other musical film. Altman says, The sequence of scenes is determined not out of plot necessity, but in response to a more fundamental need: the spectator must sense the eventual lovers as a couple even when they are not together, even before they have met. (Altman, 1987) This is true for Meet Me in St. Louis, as the musical number The Boy Next Door immediately puts both the protagonists together. As the film progresses, this utopian world created in the film is strengthened with feelings of love in the air, fun and mischief, and so on. Not much goes on with the main narrative of the film till Esthers father comes with the news which breaks their created utopia. Dyer says, In these films, the introduction of any real narrative concerns is usually considerably delayed and comes chiefly as a temporary threat to utopia- thus reversing the other two patterns, where the narrative predominates and the numbers function as temporary escapes from it. (Dyer, 1992) The musical numbers are light-hearted and chipper till the father announces his plans for the family. After the announcement, we have numbers such as You and I by the parents as a form of reconciliation- a place where mistakes are forgiven is created by the musical number (thereby reverting back to the original pattern of musical numbers providing escape), Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Esther as a consolation to Tootie- a place where hope is provided for the future, ensuring that everything will be alright. In these two films, the element of utopia is strong, one way or the other. It provides the so-called escape from reality, either through musical numbers as in the case of Singing in the Rain, or through narrative and numbers as in the case of Meet Me in St. Louis. But, like Dyer says, the idea of utopia through musicals and their numbers is applicable to these early American film musicals. The contemporary film musicals are a bit more complicated in that regard as the escape to utopia is not clearly defined. Moulin Rouge! is the film directed by Baz Luhrman, which is loosely based on the Greek myth of Orpheus. Its style and setting is highly fantastical, reinforcing the utopianism of the world. Pam Cook says, The heightened artificial world was projected as an illusion in which every detail was driven by the need to appear complete and plausible, but which audiences would perceive and enjoy as fiction (Cook, 2010) Just like how Christian saw the green fairy under the influence of absinthe, which later transmuted into a nightmarish hallucination that sucked Christian into the world of Moulin Rouge, though the setting and style is fantastical, the narrative of the film is not a utopian story. The main narrative focusses on Christian, a writer of the post 19th century suffering from depression.ÂÂ   Unlike other musicals which gives the audience a happy beginning and a happy ever after, the film starts with an ominous and melancholic tone, which confirms the female protagonists death early on in the film. This tragic revelation at the start hinders the utopian world the style and setting is trying to create.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Comparative Theory Essay: Ethnohistory and The Postcolonial Perspective

In The Houses of History, selected and introduced by Anna Green and Kathleen Troup, the different theories of the twentieth century are broken down and specifics are introduced about each theory. Historians use these theories to study certain aspects of history and to be able to compare two theories to each other and the problems each theory addresses must be identified. With all aspects of history having some sort of connection, it would be better to take a holistic approach to the history of different eras. As we first read in Arnold earlier in the semester, "History is above all else an argument (Arnold 13)." Therefore, to compare two theories of history, the argument must begin with the facts of the theory and what that theory is used for, and then argue where it might have flaws or not connect history together. Beginning with ethnohistory, which includes anthropology, the beginnings of the different studies of mankind are introduced, when the book then jumps to a postcolonial perspective the views of the future are pointed to the mistakes of the past. Each theory has a purpose to explaining the views and studies of different historians around the world. This essay will compare my views on ethnohistory combined with anthropology versus the views of postcolonial history. To start with anthropology, and outlining the timelines of mankind, one can start cumulating the facts around how humans have evolved throughout hundreds and thousands of years. Using anthropology as a theory of history is the ability to understand the social and cultural behaviors that connect the concept of human culture. As historians there are many benefits from using anthropology, studying the behaviors of human kind and all of its variations is a true... ...d the study of linguistics has allowed postcolonial historians to get a view point from theses Indigenous cultures about the European influences they have encountered. Both of these theories benefit from each other, and are able to help historians elaborate on finding the facts and presenting them as a primary source. To consider these theories not to be main factors for historians would be a false statement, as historians in the twenty-first century, we must enable ourselves to use such theories because there are always issues to argue about and pulling from the past and engaging in it can complete our argument. Works Cited Arnold, John H. History a Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. Print. Green, Anna, and Kathleen Troup. The Houses of History: a Critical Reader in Twentieth-century History and Theory. New York: New York UP, 1999. Print.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dances with Wolves :: essays research papers

Dances with Wolves   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The movie Dances with Wolves was a real good movie and I enjoyed watching it. It showed how life was back in the time of the Civil War. The movie also showed how Indians lived and how they respect everything except the white men.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I think you should keep on showing this movie to your other classes. When you showed this movie, all the kids in class paid attention to it and actually learned something from it because it caught there attention unlike other movies we have seen. If you show this to other classes it will have the same result and will help you in teaching the class. Also, the movie helped us understand how life was like in the West. It showed us that the soldiers were really ruthless and that they would just kill the buffalo for the hide and tongue, leaving the rest of the animal there to rot. While the Indians would take everything from the animal and use it to there advantage and there would be nothing to waste.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Out of a scale of 5(as being the best), I would give it a 4 and a half. The movie had a real good plot. It showed an American soldier leave his post and communicates with the Indians, which was very shunned upon. The American got very friendly with the Indians and also had a liking towards one of the females. While there relationship goit stronger they got married and when he went back to his post to get some things, he was caught by his troops, which thought he was an Indian. When they found out he was a soldier who became an Indian, they were going to try him of treason. While he was on his way back home, the Indians came and saved him from the white men.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is such a good conflict, which made the movie more interesting to watch and you always waited to see what the Indians were going to do next.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The characters were real good too.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Financial Independence and the Single Woman Essay

Most, if not all of Jane Austen’s renowned novels feature the trials and tribulations of single women—from Pride and Prejudice, to Sense and Sensibility, to Emma. The focus is specifically on the concept of marriage as the only viable choice for a single woman, if she wished to live substantially in her later years. However, while the subject of being wed to a suitable gentleman is present in Emma, the main character possesses a quality different from those in the other stories mentioned—Emma Woodhouse is financially stable. Therefore, this discussion of Austen’s Emma will be done through a different angle, which runs contrary to the author’s quote above. Matrimony in Emma is thoroughly explored and its nature as a solution for an unmarried woman’s future, yet it apparently does not apply to the story’s protagonist. Further arguments will expose the same logic as it is perceived today—after all, Austen wrote most of her work during the mid- to late 19th century. II. Emma Woodhouse and Matchmaking The penchant of the title character for matching her women friends with possible grooms composes the running narrative of the story. Because of a previous success, Emma decides to do the same for her friend Harriet Smith, an innocent but socially-inept young woman. Emma pours all of her efforts in setting Harriet up with the pompous Mr. Elton, and cut all possibilities of Harriet’s consideration of a marriage proposal she had received from Mr. Martin, a young farmer. Eventually, after many plot twists and turns and appearances of more characters, her plans backfire as the arrogant Elton reveals his true desire for Emma, and not for Harriet. Harriet happily ends up with Martin, and Emma admits to her own affections for her longtime friend Mr. Knightley. It is obvious that Emma’s obsession with matchmaking does not cover merely attraction; she chose Mr. Elton for Harriet mainly because of his financial stability, being the local vicar. Compared to the income of a regular farmer, a vicar would ensure a better life for Harriet. Clearly, the era’s societal norms and economic potential for women are at play, for woman were generally not entitled to many occupational choices; the most common would be as a family teacher or governess, both which are not financially rewarding. But the biggest bane of women then was the possibility of being single until they reach an age unacceptable for marriage—which would be around the mid-20s. For Emma, born into a wealthy family and allowed to make her own decisions, the best way to make sure her less fortunate women friends would have good lives ahead would be to marry a rich man. This is not explicitly implied in the story, as Emma’s designs were disguised as just a bored, rich girl’s newest hobby. However, in analyzing her own conditions as well as her initial rejection of the poor Mr. Martin for Harriet, it is obvious that she subscribes to the concept of marriage being the only solution for women other than herself.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein sheds light on not only historical events, coinciding with her time, but the events and problems of current times. Victor Frankenstein is trying to attain the knowledge of the Gods. He is wanting to enter into the world of the creator rather then respect the fact that he has been created. â€Å"The novel reflects a climate in which literary worship of the divine was to an extent forsaken in favor of the awe-inspiring wonder of Nature; the concept of the sublime was, in itself, a reaction to the rationalism of the Enlightenment. Quote from Ruth Bushi) The Romantic Movement was well occupied with superstition and imagination. Science fiction and â€Å"dream lands† along with unknown gothic characters were often seen in the text and art of the Romantics. Nature and fantasy was the romantic’s speciality. Frankenstein has an usability to appreciate the wonder of Nature, but instead wants to playNature. â€Å"The world was to me a secret which I desired to discover; to her it was a vacancy which sought to people with imaginations of her own. Now this says, in all its power, how Shelley was relating her story to the Romantics point of view and the views of nationalism. One that wants to figure the world out and one that wants to live in the world but use their imaginations, those are the views that created an uproar in the 19th century. Romantics believed that humans had a soul, feelings and emotions. They believed each individual to have a creative nature about them. â€Å"One’s individual soul mediated the sense experiences available to all, so that each person’s response highly subjective, unique and creative. On the flip side of that there were the beliefs that Man could create what ever he wished. That Man was God, feelings and emotions did not matter, only the brain. There was also the belief that if man felt enough power he could control beings that had already been created. For example; The relationship between workers and employers. With the power that the employers felt, they believed or acted out in a way that portrayed, that their workers lives and conditions in which they lived lie in their hands. I have seen the overlooker go to the top end of the room, where the little girls hug the can to the backminders; he has taken a strap, and a whistle in his mouth and sometime he has got a chain and chained them, and strapped them all down the room. †(Carey pg 296) This behavior leads up to this powerful feeling of controlling a human. Which, in turn, leads to creating a human. With that view Frankenstein believed he was a creator. This was the war of Man vs. God. Was this defiance of God? Was this biblical? Some say this was wrong, this belief that you are the â€Å"Almighty†. Victor was charmed by natural science, but eventually succumbs to Waldman’s lectures and soon becomes not just his student, but his disciple. But my eyes were insensible to the charms of nature. (Frankenstein 50) The Romantics had strong opinionated personalities, in this era they had too. Romantics knew if they didn’t feel so strongly, they too, would be sucked into the unthinkable beliefs of their surrounding peers. â€Å"Such a simple soul inevitably became the catspaw of more selfish and less idealistic fractions. Hughes page 83) Frankenstein is passionate about creating the monster in his own image. Therefore ask yourself, â€Å"Who is the real monster? † The answer to this question is found in the monster’s story. Victor creates the monster which turns on him. Thus showing that Victor feels that God turned on him, but in all actuality it was Man that turned on God. â€Å"Oh truly I am grateful to thee creator for the gift of life, which was but pain, and thy tender mercy which deserted me on life’s threshold to suffer. During the period Shelley wrote Frankenstein the new understanding of chemistry, physics, mathematics and etc. were seen as contributing to a future in which increasing knowledge would give increased power over nature and consequently increasing wealth. Shelley warns us of the dangerous division of power-seeking practices of science and the concerns of humanists with moral responsibility, emotional communion and spiritual values. Everything Mary Shelly is portraying in her writing; Man vs. God, Human vs. Machine and Knowledge vs. Technology, was happening in the 19th century. Everything Shelly was portraying pertains to what is happening in the 20th century today. As we sit here now all of the Man vs. God, Human vs. Machine and Knowledge vs. Technology, all of these battles are happening today. Technological advances of modern science have brought to the light, the opportunity to manipulate life forms. There is also probable cause to believe that DNA replication can be made possible. Wether they are happening in laboratories, under microscopes, in test tubes, in our own backyards, or the very thing I am staring into now†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. mputers, it is happening. Our utilization of computers has led us to neglect the need for our coexistence with nature. Mary Shelly has, in some ways, opened the curtain and looked into the future. Her portrayals of the destruction of man by man has followed true. The question now, just as it was in the 19thcentury, is whether science and technology are really going to improve the world or make it more difficult? Will our lives become better? As the human race we need to take the responsibility to find the answers to these questions before we self-destruct. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Human beings always tried to comprehend the mystery of creation, viewing themselves as the rulers of nature, who are able to control the corresponding forces. In fact, human science overlooks the fact that there are certain issues which cannot be studied completely due to the limited capacities of human reason. Artificial creation of a living being and intervention into the sacred sense of conception are among subconscious taboos, yet individuals always tried to evade this important rule of the global order.Parental duties are usually attributed to moral responsibility, as individuals with underdeveloped morality show dissatisfactory parenting skills, as their psyche cannot move from infant level. In her novel entitled â€Å"Frankenstein† Mary Shelley puts forth the issue of parenting and states that such ‘eternal children’ are often quite interesting and smart personalities with rich inner world, but they work primarily on their cognitive progress instead of cari ng about their social adequacy and adjustment to current norms, including the norms of parental commitment, which appears to the author problematic given the relevant facts form her biography and the transformation of her own view on children from â€Å"killers of mothers† to â€Å"creatures which can be grown into balanced individuals with proper parenting† throughout the novel .At the beginning, Victor Frankenstein is introduced as a talented scientist, who finds social norms tense and in spite of being honored and recognized, decides to alienate himself from the broader community (Moers, 1977, p. 156). He needs to express himself in an unusual way, as traditional science seems to him too ‘earthy’, so the protagonist creates an alter ego for himself , or, more precisely, an individual, who reflects his own personality just like a mirror. Victor in fact has no evil intentions, as he wills to create a supreme human and doesn’t necessarily want his à ¢â‚¬Ëœchild’ to commit such horrible crimes.The setting of laboratory was selected by Shelley not   accidentally, as   this specific setting influences the first encounter between Victor and his progeny. In fact, because the main character has turned his laboratory into a gate, through which a new soul comes into the world and thus abused the sacred meaning of birth as a solemn event, the creature, born in the realm of test-tubes and rejected by its parent (as scientists tend to abandon the issues, which have been already researched), plots the revenge.Furthermore, the laboratory embodies the artificial emotions and false impulses Victor had at the very beginning of the experiment (Moers, 1977, p. 162). This chamber of tortures, which occur for the sake of science, points to the lack of humanity first and foremost in Victor, not actually in the monster, who in fact experiences very strong   emotions and seeks merely to receive some parental love and care.On the contrary , Victor seems ill-prepared for his new responsibilities: â€Å"I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart.   Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room and continued a long time traversing my bed-chamber, unable to compose my mind to sleep† (Shelley, 1993, Ch.4, at the time the homunculus comes into being, Frankenstein does not express anything like parental care or love to the ‘child’: once the creature appears in this world, the scholar shows his disgust and runs out from the room, as the process of birth causes contradictory emotions in the man: on the one hand, he is delighted with his advancement, but also feels confused as he really doesn’t know what to do with his ‘scientific purchase’.   â€Å"When the crea ture attempts to follow him, Victor continues his escape thus abandoning his child, his newborn.The extent of Frankenstein's lack of attention to his creature's outward appearance is disturbing†. (Moers, 1977, p. 163). He is fully aware of the beast’s gigantic size, but does not try to safeguard others from the â€Å"newborn†, neither he wishes to protect the child from the cruel world.   In addition, Frankenstein identifies his ‘newborn’ as a total mistake, an accident and thus shows no compassion to his deformed creature, which requires attention and Victor’s parental performance – but gains estrangement and rejection instead. The protagonist finally tears all parental bonds, thus the homunculus can only seek revenge and the satisfaction of his anger concerning the abuser. Shelley therefore emphasizes the significance of appropriate parenthood strategies and methods by demonstrating the outcomes of poor performance.In the similar wa y, Victor neglects his commitment to society, to all those ordinary individuals who are not familiar with science, but really wish to survive in this world – just like the creature’s first victim, an innocent infant who should have been adapted by Victor, as the story narrates. As one can assume, the murder of Frankenstein’s prospective foster child is to symbolize the homunculus’s jealousy towards the individual who is likely to gain more parental attention. The creature therefore longs to take the girl’s place in the creator’s heart or at least manifest itself in terms of typical childish envy.The creature perfectly realizes the absence of a parental figure in his life. His encounter with the De Laceys, displaces him from his â€Å"natural state†, displays to him the family unit, exposes him to education, and to the laws and customs of society. The creature understands his alienation form society. This embitters him and causes his s ubsequent vindictiveness towards society and Victor† (Moers, 1977, p. 63). So how can the child who hasn’t received any motherly warmth succeed in self-development, including its moral and social aspects? Victor Frankenstein is thus irresponsible primarily in terms of poor training given to his creature – the scholar only proves his ability to give birth to a child, and following incapacity of bringing up the homunculus.However, such fathers like Victors are basically (cognitively) incapable of making satisfactory caregivers, as they are isolated from society with the wall of their scientific voraciousness.   For instance, when his homunculus’s power begins to grow, he decides to flee England instead of marrying his fiancà ©e, who has helped him a lot because of the horrifying circumstances of the creature’s growth. The only thing Frankenstein in concerned about is his chemical instruments, which he is not able to take with him when escaping (Moe rs, 1977, p. 164).The hypertextual transition from parenting issues to social responsibility is realized through the thorough depiction of Frankenstein’s behavior in the situation of adversity: having heard about the monstrous being walking across London, he leaves his girlfriend as well as the huge threat to her health and life: the homunculus could have easily killed Elizabeth. Furthermore, instead of resolving his parental conflict in Geneva and handling the situation, Victor escapes further, to the North Pole, even though he could have given priceless information to an investigator and had the monster caught and executed. Victor thus exaggerates social danger, gradually aggravating the creature with his estrangement and encouraging persecution-related monstrous passion.At first, the theme of artificial creation resembles the demonization of the sanctity of motherhood, which might have existed as Shelley’s own mental disorders. It is highly important to note some tr aumatic events in Shelley’s own life: in fact, around 1814-1815, she gave birth to a child, and her pregnancy resulted in a particularly strong physical and psychological deterioration so that she began to believe her son was likely to kill her. Furthermore, the baby suddenly died in march 1815 (Moers, 1977, p. 165), leaving her fully shattered and incapable of coping with the motherhood-related fears.Therefore, the author’s vision of motherhood is biased by her personal tragedy, as the novel reveals all anxieties of pregnancy, integrating them into the male protagonist, probably because Shelley sought to sublime her longing for pay males back for the biological and social inequality. Notably, Victor appears lonely and forgotten by relatives at the most important moment of his life, when his nine-month scientific experiment turns out successfully. Given his shock and inability to cope with new emotions on his own (such situation was typical in the case of a 19th centur y young mother, who enjoyed little support from her spouse and relatives).Further, when developing the plot and her characters, the writer gradually comes to conclusion that Frankenstein himself is a classic case of an abused child, who did not receive enough parental attention and thus has grown into a heartless abuser. This is probably the core of the bitter truth about the 19th century motherhood as depicted by Shelley in the Gothic style: mothers, who are not ready enough for their new roles, are not able to bring up psychologically healthy individuals and thus continue the â€Å"damned circle† of generations, imposed by societal morals. Therefore, the novel helps Shelley take the position of an abandoned child and depict this adverse circle of generations, composed of unhappy poorly reared child, who maturate into uncommitted adults.   According to   Moers, â€Å"The heart of the novel is the creature’s discussion of his own development.The creatur, himself, realizes that a child that is deprived of loving family becomes a monster† (Moers, 1977, p. 165).   This means, the novel can be categorized as the author’s attempt to resolve her inner conflict and eliminate the persistent view on children as killers of women; she finally decides that small individuals are not basically evil, but become violent and cruel under unfavorable family circumstances. However, for the purpose of finding consensus between the conflicting views, Shelley needed to incorporate the distorted sanctity of motherhood as the major â€Å"argument† in the novel.In order to appeal to reader’s emotions, Shelley frames the novel with sentimental motifs, which reflect the pain of an abandoned infant. Sentimentalism is also well-developed in the work, particularly during the interactions between Victor and his progeny, when the latter normally expresses his wish to stay with Frankenstein as well as his striving for parental attention and suppo rt. The contrast between the monster’s overall rudeness and such childish and naà ¯ve requests is indeed striking. Finally, at the end of the novel, Captain Walton finds the creature crying over its master’s corpse and repenting: â€Å"But it is true that I am a wretch. I have murdered the lovely and the helpless; I have strangled the innocent as they slept† (Shelley, 1993, Ch. 24). Therefore, human sentiments are fully familiar even to such violent individuals.To sum up, Mary Shelley, affected by her own trauma, provides   striking and shocking evidence about her contemporary society, where ill-prepared individuals become parents, but fail to pay attention to the younger generation, so the story   recurs until one of the neglected children grows up into a mentally unhealthy personally, symbolically represented by the homunculus. In this sense, parental duties can be viewed as social responsibility, as they include the application of societal parenting stan dards (love, safety and care for a child), and those who fail to meet these criteria are considered negligent in the other spheres of life, regardless of the relation between these spheres and parenthood. The commonly shared stereotype about the low reliability of bad parents in fact contain social wisdom about an indicator of human morality, a litmus paper of one’s trustworthiness as well as determine the grade of common respect for the person.Works citedMoers, E. Literary Women. New York: Anchor Books, 1977.Shelley, M. Frankenstein. Available online at:, 1993.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Human Trafficking Paper Essay

Thesis: Because human trafficking is worse than ever and also the fastest increasing criminal industry in today’s world, society needs to address the problem in serious ways. I. Traffickers A. Child slavery B. Exploitation II. Lifestyle A. Treatment B. Living conditions III. Results A. Injuries B. Health Howell 1 Human Trafficking Every year roughly 100,000 children are kidnapped and brought into human trafficking. This creates them to be opened up to the streets, diseases, and sexual abuse at an extremely young age. Most are used until they have passed from drug overdose or sexual disease. Some get away but most don’t escape because of the danger it will cause or they’ve been in it for so long they  believe it is normal. Because human trafficking is worse than ever and also the fastest increasing criminal industry in today’s world, society needs to address the problem in serious ways. Every year thousands of men, women, and children are abducted in violation of human rights. â€Å"Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer and harboring or receipt of persons by means of threat and use of force or other forms of coercion.† Human trafficking has three whole elements which are; The Act (what us done), The Means (how it is done), and The Purpose (why it is done). 1,082 cases of sex trafficking and 1,615 of them were child cases, only 361 kids were returned home. If these abductions rise as they are now by 2020 we will have an estimate of 10,000 child abduction cases related to sex trafficking. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 is helping out in preventing child abduction in sex trafficking. It is one of the most effective so far.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Motivation techniques

Entrepreneurs who start and build new businesses are more celebrated than studied. They embody, in the popular imagination and in the eyes of some scholars, the virtues of â€Å"boldness, ingenuity, leadership, persistence and determination but policy makers see them as crucial source of employment and productivity growth; our systematic knowledge of how entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses is limited, since the activity does not occupy a prominent place in the study of business and economics because laments about the ineffable nature of entrepreneurship dominate the discourse about new and fledging businesses.Most new business lack any ideas or assets that differentiate them from their competitors, they don’t really earn profit; they merely provide a wage to their proprietors that is set by a competitive market for the proprietor’s labor, and for many individuals this wage turns out to be lower than what they could make working for someone else, and therefore , they have a powerful incentive to shut down. Most entrepreneurs agree that their businesses generates a positive cash flow within months of launch and the profitability of their businesses is difficult to estimate; small firms often keep inaccurate financial records and commingle company and personal expenditures.The capacities of the incorporated companies finance their high rates of growth through internal generated funds suggesting that their profit margins are significantly positive. The belief that many entrepreneurs are special has widespread appeal, but we cannot easily specify their exact distinctive traits and skills but folklore attributes some of the many qualities of the entrepreneur as; great energy, vision, leadership skills, and lastly a never-say-die spirit, to name just a few. In addition formal research on entrepreneurs, also assumes as individuals with distinctive traits and skills, but contrastingly empirical studies provide weak support, in â€Å"profiling th e entrepreneur’s personality† (Adler, 1999).Although, the studies have suffered from basic methodological problems, for instance, many researchers have tried to identify a universal entrepreneurial personality where they have implicitly assumed that owners of the car dealerships, self-employed accountants and the founders of software companies share common traits that distinguish them from the population at large, but this seems unlikely, given the wide variety of problems and tasks that these individuals face; a related problem also is derived from the arbitrary selection of traits, and   consequently researchers have studied whether entrepreneurs have ‘Type A’ personalities or a high speed for achievement, without specifying why these qualities matter.In business theories and models studies, most businesses mature gradually and only exceptional business start with talent, capital and strategies that will rapidly propel them into the ranks of large well established companies. Fledging businesses turn into long-lived companies through a protracted, multistage process rather than through a one-short transformation. It requires decades of sustained investment to develop the necessary systems of coordinated assets, since, developing the assets that will sustain a long-lived firm requires much more investment than does when starting a promising business. This therefore implies that entrepreneurs have to undertake initiatives that require considerable out of-pocket outlays or opportunity costs to develop brand names, technologies, broad product lines, and distribution channels.Fore knowledgeEntrepreneurs cannot easily envision the design of an effective system of complementary assets in advance. For example the distinctive features of the Wal-mart discount chain is its focus on underserved rural areas, low prices,   purchasing skills, investments in information technology, employee culture and the greater store entrances; all these hav e an impressive logic and coherence. The Wal-Mart system evolved over more than a decade, after much trial and error and some failed initiatives, rather than through the execution of a master plan (Ballard, & Langrehr, 1993).Learning by doingSome critical assets like the know-how technique and reputations can only be developed through repeated action. Firms build relationship with customers by consistently providing high-quality service and products. They develop valuable brand names and distribution capabilities after decades of effort and investment. Therefore, the evolution of coordination mechanism follows the gradual development of assets.The   mainstream economic theories has little to tell us about how and why some firms survive and grow and others do not; since in the standard microeconomic theory where it focuses on perfect competition among many identical competitors, the question of survival does not arise. Although variations in the size and longevity of firms have no influence on outcomes, and the evolution of a specific firm is irrelevant; it makes little difference in this theory whether changes in characteristics are treated as altering the existing firm or were able to implement early were rewarded with growth in output and value; the others joined a mass exodus (Bielski, 2007).In the life-cycle models; or ‘stages of growth’ or life cycle models often predictions on how firms develop as well as advice to entrepreneurs on nurturing their new ventures. The models recognize that businesses evolve in a gradual way; The Ford Motor Company and General Motors, which came to dominate the US automobile industry, evolved in markedly different ways. Ford’s evolution reflects founder Henry Ford’s engineering and manufacturing interests.It was produced on a moving assembly line, with machines specialized for minute tasks and extreme division of labor. The system of mass production of a single standardized productivity yielded c ost savings, which allowed for low prices, which in turn helped expand consumer demand. Ford Motor Company grew by replicating this system in even larger and more vertically integrated facilities.The survival of such businesses depends more on effective adaptation to unexpected problems and opportunities than on the entrepreneur’s ability to formulate and implement a strategy. This therefore means long-term strategies do play an important role in the management of large corporations. Entrepreneurs who build long-lived firms establish audacious goals for their companies. For the founders of promising businesses may have a far-reaching vision, but it is not necessary for starting their ventures.These goals help entrepreneurs build large and long-lived firms contrary to the case where fledgling businesses do not automatically undertake the initiatives and investments needed to build a system of coordinated assets according to the satisfaction principle, audacious goals must stim ulate the search for these initiatives and investments.Employees’ motivationThe diversity of activities in these corporations requires the boards and top executives to delegate their control and management responsibilities to employees with the appropriate specific knowledge. The top executives do not initiate or implement many concrete proposals, but rather influence the initiatives undertaken by subordinates by formulating an overall corporate strategy and the processes for evaluating new initiative, not specific investment decisions. Instead of monitoring the implementation of every project, the board evaluated aggregate performance and the control system. For example, the board may evaluate whether the auditing function has sufficient independence from the operating managers.There is separation of ‘management’ and ‘control by the broad policy which leads to a corresponding separation of roles for specific decisions, and this is done by instituting monit oring devices and policies boards whereby top executives can give decision making rights to subordinates whom they cannot directly supervise while protecting shareholders from abuse of these rights. For instance, a sales person or executive or brand manager who has direct knowledge of customer needs and competitive offerings may initiate proposals for a new product (BhidÉ, 2003).It cannot be denied that, chance events often provide the spark for starting a promising business, entrepreneurs often encounter their opportunities by accident. In connection two factors also predispose some individuals to look for and take advantage of chance events; human capital and family backgrounds, and tolerance for ambiguity. In general, the transition of a fledging business into a large, well-established corporation requires a fundamental transformation rather than a simple scaling up, because of some basic differences in their attributes, since the profits of fledging businesses are derived fr om a few factors. Given the appropriate predisposition, what traits and skills determine an individual’s capacity to adapt to new circumstances and to secure resources on the converse the qualities do not have a material bearing on an individual’s willingness and capacity to start a promising business.ConclusionThe transformation from fledging to mature firm requires protracted, purposive investment. The firms acquire a system of coordinated assets gradually, because capital constraints limit the size of individual investments and since it takes time to build customer relationship, know-how, and other such intangible assets. This process is not predestined, such as the normal development of an infant into an adult; entrepreneurs must consciously abandon the pursuit of short-term cash flow in favor of long-term investment. And although the sequent and pattern of investments are not predetermined, they are not random or opportunistic either, thus building long-lived firm s involves the coordination of investments and efforts across functions and time. In specific, entrepreneurs have to adopt and articulate audacious goals and formulate a set of general rule (Bielski, 2007).ReferencesAdler, P. S. (1999). â€Å"Hybridization of Human Resource Management at Two Toyota   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Transplants,† In J. Liker, M. Fruin, and P. S. Adler, eds., Remade in America:   Ã‚   Transplanting and Transforming Japanese Management Systems. New York:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oxford University Press.Ballard, M., & Langrehr, F. W. (1993). What CPAs Can Learn from Wal-Mart. 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